Thursday, November 5, 2009


Princess Of the Jackalopes

Friday, July 31, 2009


Mandrake babies

Fat mandrake prototypes

Luna Lovegood's earrings from Harry Potter

These are some earrings made from sculpey. I will probably be selling them on Etsy soon.
I have some ideas for some more things like this I want to make.

Cowboys Of Atlantis

Cattle Kings Of Atlantis

The Hostage

Monday, March 30, 2009


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Some Giruppycorns I made for Lizz

A Few More Drawings

Victory Beard Drawings

A series of little drawings for a band I sometimes play in

Cowboys Of Atlantis

This is the front and back cover of a mix cd I made for a friend. I'm currently working on a series of Cowboys Of Atlantis collages.

Visible Centaur

The Visible Centaur was created by combining two Skillcraft model kits, The Visible Man and The Visible Horse. Every piece needed to be painted as well as all the veins. I still need to build a wooden display box for him.
A Glorious Escape


With Arms Linked Together

The Professor Starts His Day

Flight 1

Hiding From Mother

Two Children Walk Through The Ruins Of Paradise

The Unexpected Dish

Nude Bathing 1

A Lost Confederate Soldier Stumbles Upon The Wood Nymph's Lair

Stormy Farewell 
These are a bunch of collages I've done. I began doing collage about ten years ago after being inspired from my friend, Simon and his amazing collages.  Most of the images are made from old books and magazines and the frames were found in various places or were donated to me. 

Welcome, Friends

Welcome to "From The Crows Nest". It's an archive of my artwork from the last few years but I'll also try to post new things I'm working on too.  Hopefully I'll have higher quality photos in the future but these will have to do for now. 

And with that, onward...
